I embarked on a journey to develop innovative solutions for Turkey’s unresolved and recurring problems, raise awareness, and educate various segments of society.

The first step of this journey was the issue of earthquakes, as this natural disaster is both one of the country’s greatest tragedies and a pressing reality in need of solutions. My social and technological projects related to earthquakes aim to foster a prepared and informed approach across all levels of society.

My work on earthquakes has taken shape within the scope of social entrepreneurship projects aimed at benefiting the community.

These projects incorporate both educational and technology-focused approaches:

My goal is not just to highlight problems but to find effective and lasting solutions and contribute to societal transformation. By looking at Turkey’s chronic issues from a different perspective, I aim to inspire meaningful change.

However, my journey will not end here. I also plan to focus on other issues that deeply impact society in Turkey and require urgent solutions. Problems such as workplace harassment and mobbing against women are among the projects I am currently working on.

My Goal

To address these recurring and chronic societal issues:

  • Develop different perspectives,
  • Combine knowledge and technology to offer innovative tools,
  • Educate and raise awareness,
  • Create lasting change for a more livable future.

What Am I Doing?

Research and Analysis: Conducting in-depth studies to understand the root causes of problems.

Technology-Based Solutions: Combining knowledge and technology to develop innovative tools for addressing issues.

Awareness and Education: Creating educational content and projects to raise awareness across all segments of society.

Earthquake Awareness Book: A book for children and adults addressing themes of disaster preparedness and resilience. The aim is to present information in a simple yet impactful way to foster awareness.

Educational Computer Game: Developing an engaging and interactive game designed to teach proper behaviors during an earthquake. This project aims to captivate children’s attention by gamifying learning.

Mobile Application: Working on an app that provides guidance for earthquake preparedness, emergency planning, and post-disaster support. This app will offer life-saving information and tools for users.

These projects aim to contribute to building a more resilient society against disasters by integrating knowledge and technology.